Today, I'd like to share a rare item of publicity concerning Walt Disney's Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs. When it opened in France on May 6, 1938, the theater "Le Marignan" in Paris had an exclusive engagement to show the film. Check out this site about Jean Mounier (a French distributor) if you wish to see a picture of the theater with all the posters.
What I'm offering you is a scan of the complete program that was sold then. It is funny to see that some marketing strategies have not changed that much : there is an ad at almost every page, revealing that there were many tie-in products (rubber characters to play with, Snow White jewelery, records, clothes, etc.).
On the other hand, you know you're in the late thirties when, in a Snow White program, you can find an ad for a cigarette that "protects your throat and keeps your teeth white", one for a butchery in front of which Snow White allegedly likes to park her coach, and last but not least, a full page ad on the back cover for a perfume that features prominently a fully naked woman.
That's all for today folks!